Our primary focus for our missions is to construct urgently needed buildings (schools, churches, kitchens, etc.) around the world.  We provide the skilled leadership to organize and construct the buildings.  We are constantly seeking volunteers and donors to further these goals and meet the ever increasing needs across the globe.


In addition to building structures, we have a focus on building people - especially our young people. We conduct at least one trip a year focused on ages 12-college called FOUNDations (Finding Our Unity in Needed Discipleship). We started these programs to provide an affordable opportunity for young people to start a path towards a lifetime of service. We provide training for our young leaders and have them run the mission trip - with supervision. We are always seeking donors to offset a large portion of their missionary opportunities so they can afford to participate in these trips.


Kimogoro, Kenya

October 2024

This mission is focused on building a school for the children of the area. We will also be conducting a children's program. If we have a doctor or dentist we will also provide a clinic.

2025 MIP Trip, Asuncion Paraguay

This mission is is our annual Mission IS Possible team. We will build a church for the Pai Nu congregation and conduct VBS and dental/medical clinics provided we have leadership.