2024 Compone, Peru

2024 FOUNDations Youth Mission Trip summary

From July 7-18, 2024, 33 volunteers traveled to the highlands of Peru (just outside of Cuzco) to build a school for the Compone congregation and conduct children's ministries in the area.

We were able to complete the church in five days and helped with the sidewalk on the final day. We were working and living at 10,800 ft in elevation the entire time and that was a new experience for our youth group. We did have a few challenges with the cold (~40 F every night and morning), altitude sickness and various stomach ailments. The devil worked hard to stop this church, so we know that God has something special in store for this church! Our young people hung in there and did a marvelous job on the church and VBS!

Our VBS team worked at two different schools in the area and were able to spread the good news about God to well over 60 kids in the surrounding area. Many of them showed up at church to hear more on Sabbath!

After the work was done and we worshipped with the Maranatha team, our group was able to see one of the modern wonders of the world, Machu Picchu. We were also able to enjoy some of the sights in Cusco before we headed home. God had us in His hands the entire journey - from getting out of Houston mere hours before Hurricane Beryl hit to arriving back in Houston mere hours before the global IT outage hit many airlines! Truly blessed to have been part of this trip with this amazing group of young people.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
