2005 Lima, Peru Mission Trip

Our 2005 mission trip took us to Lima, Peru to build the Sharon church, lead out in evangelism and conduct a dental/medical clinic. We had 36 volunteers on this trip

This was our first trip where all of the volunteers were from our church (or friends/family). We had a great experience and had many miracles. We *almost* completed the church and i personally learned a lot. This was the last trip with my father as construction lead and he taught me how to lead a construction team over the first three trips. Wouldn't be where I am today without these first three trips.

We had a medical and dental team that brought much needed services to the town. They provided many services, including surgeries and served hundreds of patients.

Pastor Frank led out in an evangelism series every night. He led many to Christ and had baptisms the last Sabbath!

For our excursion, the team was able to visit Machu Picchu - a once in a lifetime experience!

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
