2006 Santiago Sacatepequez, Guatemala Mission Trip

Our 2006 mission trip took us to Santiago Sacatepequez, Guatemala to build a church and conduct a medical clinic. We had 31 volunteers on this trip

The church was up a steep road and we had a lovely walk every morning as the bus couldn't make it up the hill! This was our third year with this group, so we were (finally) able to complete the church and get the roof on. It was quite the milestone for our group. We were able to finish and celebrate with the church members on Sabbath. In looking back at these pictures, i am struck by how young we were AND how lax we were on the safety side. Note that our more recent pictures have appropriate safety gear - safe to say we have learned a lot over the last 20+ years.

We had a medical team that brought much needed services to the town. They provided many services, including surgeries and served hundreds of patients.

For our excursion, the team was able to visit Antigua, Guatemala and take a boat tour around Lake Atitlan and hike up an active volcano, which was extremely cool to see lava.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
