2013 Ecuador Mission Trip

Our spring 2013 mission trip saw us travel to Otovalo, Ecuador as a home base to construct seven church buildings, conduct a roving medical clinic and lead out in children's ministries. We build seven metal building structures for five different church communities over five days. We had 24 volunteers on this trip.

This was a bit of a different trip for our group as it was the first time we didn't do block work and only worked on the metal building construction. We constructed seven One Day Church buildings over five days. We built the structure and put the roof on - the members would construct the walls after we left. The VBS and Medical teams followed behind us by a day and would conduct their ministries in the church area that we had completed the day before. All of the construction was at high elevations - around 9000 feet above sea level. We had a very small construction crew (only 13) for this trip.

The VBS team were able to conduct their program in the surrounding areas and show many of the local children about Christ.

Our medical traveled throughout the area to different towns to conduct the clinic. They were able to treat hundreds of patients during the week and made a huge impact to the local community.

For our excursion, we visited Mitad del Mundo on the equator and a lake in the nearby area.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
