2021 Kajiado Rescue Center Mission Trip Summary

Our second ever fall West Houston and Friends mission trip was conducted in September 2021.  We build staff housing at the Kajiado Girls Rescue center in Kajiado, Kenya. Our VBS team also led children's ministry at the school and at three surrounding villages.  We had 31 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our group of construction volunteers were able to complete the staff housing in six days.  We completed the roof and most of the interior walls for the houses.  We were blessed with cool and dry weather and with a great Maranatha team.  We were able to dedicate the completed housing on Friday afternoon with a huge ceremony and thanks from the school children, staff and surrounding Masai tribal elders.

On Sabbath, we had a high day with over a dozen baptisms - one of our volunteers and multiple girls from the school!

The VBS team took the children's program on the road to three Masai villages in the area and ended with two days ministering to the girls at the Rescue Center. The team was really able to bond with the girls at the school!

As this trip was conducted during Covid, we had to test multiple times during the week and test negative for our return home to the USA.  We had NO positives during the trip and that was an incredible blessing.

For our excursion, we traveled to the Amboseli National Park and were treated to multiple game drives. It was an amazing experience and even had wildlife show up at the resort grounds!

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
