2022 Mission IS Possible Mission Trip

2022 Los Milagros Trip Summary

Our spring Mission IS Possible trip for 2022 was conducted from March 4-15 in Los Milagros, Peru. We built a church, conducted a dental clinic and children's ministry for the area. We had 35 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our group of construction volunteers were able to complete the church building in six days. We were able to help with completing the roof and we were able to help with the sidewalk around the side of the building. We were blessed with cool and dry weather and with a great Maranatha team that have worked with in other countries. We were able to dedicate the completed church on Sabbath and the entire congregation was in attendance. They had prayed for this church for years and the pandemic delayed the completion by years.

Our VBS team was able to present children's ministries to the local area for over 50 local children. We conducted the VBS in the town's sports arena.

Our dental team was able to serve over 100 patients during their time in the community and conducted the clinic in a church member's house as there were no other areas available. We were able to meet the most urgent needs of the community through our team!

As this trip was conducted during Covid, we had to test multiple times during the week. We had NO positives during the trip and that was an incredible blessing.

For our excursion, we traveled from Lima to Cusco and from there, stayed in the Sacred Valley and visited Machu Picchu. What a wonderful experience and the weather cleared just in time for us to be blessed with incredible views.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
