2021 Zambia Mission IS Possible Trip Summary

Our spring Mission IS Possible trip for 2021 was conducted from March 3-17 in Kalabo, Zambia. We built school classrooms and conducted a dental clinic for the area. We had 31 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our group of construction volunteers were able to complete the school classrooms in six days. We were able to dedicate the completed school on Friday afternoon with the entire school and community. The school is in a very remote area of Zambia near the Angola border. It was founded by missionaries over 70 years ago and has largely been unimproved since then. The administration has prayed for years for additional room to house and teach students.

The area is so remote there are no hotels. The local hospital fixed up the abandoned tuberculosis clinic into a space for our group to stay. While a bit primitive, we had a great time in the community and the views over the river were amazing, in spite of the very hot and humid conditions, especially at night.

Our dental team was able to serve over 100 patients during their time in the community and conducted the clinic near the school. We were able to meet the most urgent needs of the community through our team!

This was our first trip conducted during Covid and everyone was understandably a little apprehensive. We had to test multiple times during the week. We had NO positives during the trip and that was an incredible blessing. We got tested for our flights home with no issues!

For our excursion, drove from Kalabo to Livingstone, Zambia to visit Victoria Falls and go on safari visits. It was a wonderful visit and we were able to see some of God's majestic creations!

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.

You can see a short video about our Zambia trip below!
