2019 Fall Kajiado Mission Trip

Our first ever fall West Houston and Friends mission trip was conducted in October 2019. We built girls high school dormitories at the Kajiado Girls Rescue center in Kajiado, Kenya. The Rescue Center is a very special place as it provides a safe haven for Masai girls escaping child marriage and FGM. The Center provides housing and education to girls that would never have that chance other than escaping to this center. We had 19 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our group of construction volunteers were able to complete the Girls Dorm in Five days - including the roof and windows - glass and all. We helped to build the bunk beds and furnished the beds as well. We were blessed with cool and dry weather and with a great Maranatha team. We were able to dedicate the completed housing on Friday afternoon with a huge ceremony and thanks from the school children, staff and surrounding Masai tribal elders. We walked the girls into their new homes and it was a very moving ceremony. It was a miracle to complete the building in that timeframe with a small, inexperienced team!

For our excursion, we traveled to the Amboseli National Park and were treated to multiple game drives. For many of the team, this was their first African experience and they were treated to some amazing wildlife.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.

You can see videos of our work below!
