2017 Barros Blancos, Uruguay Mission Trip

Our spring 2017 mission trip saw us travel to Barros Blancos, Uruguay to help build a large Education and Evangelism Center (EEC). We also conducted children's ministries at the existing school. We had 31 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our construction team was able to complete a great deal on the EEC during our time on the project. We had a decent size team and a large-ish local team. They served our team local barbecue they cooked onsite on the final day of the project! This was the only project Maranatha worked on in Uruguay and we were privileged to be part of working in this lovely country with GREAT weather and team.

The VBS team were able to conduct their program at the existing, overcrowded school. The children were very receptive and excited to move into their new school.

Pastor Tito led an evangelistic series each night at the church on the school property. Uruguay is the most secular country in the Western Hemisphere, so outreach is difficult, but many attended and heard the message!

For our excursion, we were able to visit a wonderful resort town called Colonia del Sacramento and take a day trip via ferry to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
