2016 Bulawayo, Zimbabwe Mission Trip

Our spring 2016 mission trip saw us travel to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe to help build a large school campus for an orphanage. The school consisted of twelve metal buildings and we constructed eleven of them. We also conducted children's ministries at the orphanage. We had 30 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our construction team was able to complete eleven of the metal buildings. The concrete pads were in place when we arrived and our team constructed all of the structure steel, siding and roofs. It took a couple of days to find our rhythm, but by the end, we were operating as a well oiled machine! So pleased to be able to finish this school that is so needed by the orphanage to not only educate the children in the orphanage but in the surrounding areas. We dedicated the school buildings the last Sabbath and our youngest volunteer preached the sermon!

The VBS team were able to conduct their program at the orphanage. The children were very receptive and excited to move into their new school.

For our excursion, we were able to drive up to Victoria Falls for a memorable visit to both sides - Zimbabwe and Zambia. We were able to visit Victoria Falls and to see wildlife at a sanctuary - including being able to pet lions and walk cheetah's on a leash. We also had some roadside repairs necessary on the long drive to Victoria Falls.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
