2015 La Chorrera, Panama FOUNDations Youth Mission Trip

Our 2015 summer FOUNDations Youth Mission trip led us to the town of La Chorrera, Panama to construct two school classrooms and lead out in children's ministries. We had 43 volunteers on this mission trip. The school in La Chorrera had been there for years, but had long outgrown its instruction space and the new buildings will allow for more students.

We were able to complete the two school classrooms in six days as planned. The construction was led by our young people and was the largest project taken on to date by our youth. This was the second time at this school in 2015 as our adult team constructed the other two new classrooms in the spring. For those that were on this trip, yes, this is the trip that I had to get an emergency Tetanus shot as my booster had expired and it got a nasty cut from a rebar. This is a PSA to make sure you are up to date on your Tetanus shots before coming on a mission trip!

The VBS team were able to conduct the program at a local church and show hundred's of the area children about God and tell them about the new school buildings.

For our excursion, we were able to visit the Panama Canal and visit Old Town Panama City.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
