2012 Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua FOUNDations Youth Mission Trip

Our first ever summer FOUNDations Youth Mission trip led us to the Nueva Guinea, Nicaragua in 2012 to construct a school and lead out in children's ministries. We had 34 volunteers on this mission trip.

Our construction project was to help with a very large school building (called an Evangelism and Education Center - or EEC for short) in Nueva Guinea. The town was literally at the end of the road and very remote. This was the first time most of the folks on this trip had ever worked construction, especially our young people. We were challenged by constant rain. In spite of that, the team did an amazing job and completed what was assigned to us. When we moved to our final wall, there was so much water on the floor from the rain, one of our volunteers took on dam-building and constructed a barrier around the wall, sealed it and allowed the first course to be laid on drier concrete! The tarps held so much water at the end, one of our adults found a slingshot and was reducing the strain on the tarp by firing rocks into it.

The VBS team were able to conduct the program at the local school and show hundred's of the area children about God and tell them about the new church.

As the town was so remote, we didn't even have an excursion for this group! We were staying at the ONLY hotel in town that could house 34 persons and it was (at best) a one star affair (lovingly called the Green Giant). Barely running water, insects and all sorts of sounds every night - pretty typical for a mission trip. The last night before we flew out was spent at a typical airport motel and the kids thought it was heaven! The thing i am most pleased with from this trip that out of ALL of the youth that attended, all but one came back on a future trip - and the one that didn't is simply because his family moved away! What a blessing and great start to our summer youth trips.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
