2008 Cabrero, Chile Mission Trip

Our 2008 mission trip took us to Cabrero, Chile to build a church, conduct a dental and medical clinic, lead out in Vacation Bible School and conduct an evangelistic series. We had 36 volunteers on this trip

The church was constructed out of red ceramic brick, which made for different construction. We had to soak each brick in water before laying it so that it wouldn't take out all of the moisture from the brick. We also had to clean the block after laying it - made for a very good looking church, but was tedious! We were able to complete the church and the roof within the six days and dedicate on the second Sabbath. As a bonus, i was able to work with my uncle Roger on this trip as he was heavily involved in Chile as a Maranatha board member.

We had a medical and dental team that brought much needed services to the town.

The VBS and Evangelism program were presented every night and was a blessing to the community. The Evangelism led to baptisms on Sabbath!

For our excursion, the team was able to visit the resort town of Chillan for a few days of relaxation.

As a postscript, in 2010, a very strong (8.8) earthquake hit Chile. Our church was largely undamaged.

If you are interested in taking part in a future mission trip. please reach out via the Contact page for more information about short term missionary opportunities.
